Economic mobility

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Abundantia: from Latin ăbundo ăbundans abundantis meaning “overflowing, abundant, plenty, riches” - Divine personification of abundance and prosperity.

Aphnology or Aphenology from Aplnios, Aphcnos, Afthnos, or Aphenos: Expresses wealth in the largest sense of general abundance and well-being. Rare the science of wealth. 

Argentarius and Argentarii: Derived from argent(um) (“silver”) +‎ -ārius (“dealer in”). Private individuals (or individuals of a private organization) that served as bankers (depositories), and money changers. Such individuals were members of a collegium, or guild. Many individuals entrusted all their capital to them. Individuals could deposit funds with a banker, and pay their debts using a draft or check from the bank. If both the debtor and creditor had an account with the same bank it was easy for the bank to internally transfer the funds between the accounts.

Bank Banco: In early Ancient Rome Money-lenders would set up their stalls in the middle of enclosed courtyards called macella on a long bench called a bancu.

Bancherius: [from Latin Bancum Banchus] In Genoa meant money changer, the name referring to the carpet covered table or bench at which the money changer conducted his business of exchanging foreign and domestic coins.

Chrematistics: [from Greek, from khrēmatizein to make money, from khrēma money] the art of getting rich, as coined by Thales of Miletus. The study of wealth, any theory of wealth as measured in money.“la gran crematística […] maximizar la riqueza y el dinero.“

Chrysology: [from Ancient Greek khrusós Gold] Rare the branch of political economy relating to the production of wealth. The study of the production of wealth, especially as attained from precious metals.

Copia: [From co- + ops, opis “power, ability, resources”] Roman Goddess of  Abundance or Plenty.

Cornucopia: [from Latin cornu copiae Horn of Plenty] Symbol of abundance and nourishment, commonly a large horn-shaped container overflowing with produce, flowers or nuts. The horn of Amalthea, the goat that suckled Zeus. Attribute of several Greek and Roman deities, particularly those associated with the harvest, prosperity, or spiritual abundance, such as personifications of Earth (Gaia or Terra); the child Plutus, god of riches and son of the grain goddess Demeter; the nymph Maia; and Fortuna, the goddess of luck, who had the power to grant prosperity. In Roman Imperial cult, abstract Roman deities who fostered peace (pax Romana) and prosperity were also depicted with a cornucopia, including Abundantia, “Abundance” personified, and Annona, goddess of the grain supply to the city of Rome. Hades, the classical ruler of the underworld in the mystery religions, was a giver of agricultural, mineral and spiritual wealth, and in art often holds a cornucopia.

Denarius: [from the Latin dēnī "containing ten"] Origin of several modern words such as the currency name dinar; it is also the origin for the common noun for money in Italian denaro, in Slovene denar, in Portuguese dinheiro, and in Spanish dinero. 

Dis Pater or Dis also Father Dis (The Wealthy One): [from dives], suggesting a meaning of “father of riches” or “Rich Father”. Originally a god of riches, fertile agricultural land, and underground mineral wealth, he was later commonly equated with the Roman deities Pluto and Orcus.

Economic development is the process by which a nation improves the economic, political, and social well-being of its people.

Economic mobility is the ability of an individual, family or some other group to improve (or lower) their economic status—usually measured in income.

Gentleman thief: A gentleman or lady thief usually has inherited wealth and is characterised by impeccable manners, charm, courteousness, and the avoidance of physical force or intimidation to steal. As such, they do not steal to gain material wealth but for the thrill of the act itself, often combined in fiction with correcting a moral wrong, selecting wealthy targets, or stealing only particular rare or challenging objects.

Goldsmith: Accepted jewellery and plate for safekeeping. They also accepted deposits of coin. Coins of the same nominal value varied greatly in weight, because many had been clipped or "sweated" to remove some of the gold. They sorted through the coins deposited with them for the ones nearest full weight. They then melted these down and exported them as Gold Bullion. Since this activity was quite profitable, they were happy to pay interest on deposits of coin.
By 1660, the receipts that goldsmiths issued for deposits of coin had become transferrable, and they began to circulate informally as money. The goldsmiths took advantage of this and started to issue receipts with the express intention that they circulate.

Moneta: [from Latin monēre] which means to remind, warn, or instruct, or more likely from the Greek “moneres” meaning “alone, unique”.

Money changer: weighed, tested, sorted and exchanged foreign and domestic coins.

Money scrivener: Originally public letter writers and copyists, they evolved into legal practitioners who specialized in drawing up documents, including loan contracts. This work naturally led them into brokering loans, especially mortgages. As part of this business, clients would deposit money with them until they found a suitable investment

Nouveau poor: ["new poor"], refers to a person who had once owned considerable wealth, but has now lost all or most of it. These people may or may not actually be poor, but compared to their previous rank, it seems as if they are. Also Nouveau Pauvre.

Other People’s Money (OPM): A common expression used when talking about the multiplying effect of using borrowed funds to purchase property rather than paying all cash. Informal term for the use or investment of borrowed funds 

Pecunia: [from pecū "cattle"] Flocks were the first riches of the ancients.

PlutoMythology The god of the dead and the ruler of the underworld, identified with the Greek Hades. Not only a god of the dead, he is identified as a god of the earth’s fertility, because he ruled the deep earth that contained the seeds necessary for a bountiful harvest. He was also called the God of Wealth due to the precious metals hidden in the earth. plutology Geology the study of the interior of the earth. / Latin, from Greek Ploutōn, literally: the rich one.

Plutus: [from Ploutos wealth:] from the belief that the underworld was the source of wealth from the ground.

Ploutongiver of wealth.

Plutology: [ploutologie “Science de la richesse”] Economics.the scientific study or theory of wealth; the branch of economics that studies wealth. Also called plutonomy Economics the study of economics or the production of wealth

Plutonomics: the study of wealth management.

PlutologistEconomics obsolete a person who has expertise in plutology

Political economyObsolete “In the late 19th century, the term economics gradually began to replace the term political economy.”

Temple of Juno Moneta: it was the place where Roman coins were first minted. Thus, moneta came to mean mint.

Thrift: Wise economy in the management of money and other resources.

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